Dear Teddy,

Dear Teddy,
Thank you for giving me a purpose. Working with you gave me such a boost of confidence. You were the smartest little dog I’ve met and so willing to please. The bond we were able to build in such a short amount of time because of the mutual respect we had for each other was a special one, something I hadn’t experienced before. Though I wasn’t able to do all of your care for you, you were dedicated to me, my protector, always looking out for me and being on your best behaviour when I needed you to be. Anytime we were out as a team, you made me feel so confident and proud. You behaved like a dog with much more experience than yourself. You acted like a pro. Having you by my side made me feel like I could take on the world. You gave me such a sense of pride and purpose because of the pure love I have for you.
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You were well loved by anyone who met you. You had a certain special charm to you that made everyone fall in love the moment they saw you. Your life might not have been long but you’ve been able to make such a significant impact in your short time with us. You helped complete our family after losing Buddy, filling in the quiet and presence of the family dog. You knew how to climb into everybody’s hearts without even needing a ladder; one look was all it took. While working with me, you taught me a lot and you were able to brighten the days of an infinite amount of people. People who were down, sick, and sad and who needed a little puppy loving, you were there for them too. Your heart was so big. Even though you were an independent little man, you would never say no to a snuggle no matter who needed it.
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No matter what you were doing, being a goofball, having your nightly zoomiez, taking a nap, or playing with drama llama, you always managed to make me smile. I loved having you around every minute of every day. Even when you’d be gone for a few hours, I’d miss you. As soon as I woke up, you were the first person I wanted to see and the last before I went to sleep. I couldn’t wait for you to come over beside my bed and give me kisses on my hand after I gave you a nice pet when we woke up. Having you around, I never felt alone. I had my best friend by my side all the time.
Thanks for being my best friend, my helper, my teacher, my pride and joy, my first dog, the love of my life. I wish I never had to say goodbye. Your life was too short and you deserved so much more time. I hope we provided you with a fantastic life while you were with us. We gave you all the love we had and it showed. You were a star, brilliant, a light to the world. You gave me so much hope for a better future. One where it’d be me and you, my best friend by my side always. I thought we’d be unstoppable. You made such a huge impact during your little life and I am beyond proud of you. When I talk about you, I beam. You are my pride and joy.
I miss having you sleep with me, hearing you roll around in your kennel at night, reminding me I’m not alone. I miss playing with you and throwing your ball in the yard, watching you bounce around having so much fun playing. I miss working together and seeing you glow with confidence at your job. I miss sitting with you on the couch, running my fingers through your tight little curls. I miss going to the beach or for walks, exploring the world with you and your childlike curiosity and appreciation of the world around you. I miss laying on the couch feeling sick and having you lay by me, keeping an eye on your mama. I miss putting you to bed every night and kissing your big black nose and telling you I love you. I miss all the little moments together, your funny head tilts or weird napping positions, the way you’d suck on my finger and knead with your paws. I love everything about you. I miss all the cuddles and goofy sassy slaps. We all loved getting your sweaty paws all over us, only because it was you
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I wish you could stay by my side forever but I am happy that you won’t be in pain anymore. I hope Buddy is there to greet you on the other side. I know the decision I made was the right but it’s hard regardless. Know that momma loves you and will forever and ever. I will always carry you in my heart Teddy Bear. Thanks for being the best first dog and first poodle ever. My heart is broken in pieces for you but I am so glad you won’t be suffering anymore. I hope we gave you all the love you needed. We were infatuated with everything you did because our love for you is so grand. I hope you find peace and comfort and love. I will miss you every second of every day. Love you forever and ever Teddy Freddy Alphagetti Spaghetti Merzetti Graham Gagnon. We’ll take good care of drama llama and Dino for you.
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June 23, 2017 – November 4, 2017

8 thoughts on “Dear Teddy,

  1. Hollie says:

    Crying my eyes out reading this 😢 What an amazing little guy and an unforgettable time together 💛 It sounds like you had a truly special connection and I’m sure he felt that love and understood your decision to free him from pain. I hope the pain of your loss eases soon and you have only good memories xxx


  2. Jack Nielsen says:

    We were heartbroken when we heard the news. Keep your positive attitude Kathleen even though I can only imagine how hard that is. Love J & B



  3. Wilbur says:

    Kathleen we have never met but I know a lot about you.My name is Will and my wife’s name is Kim.First of all may I say I have read a lot of your blog and I must say you are an inspiration to me and I can’t wait to meet you in person.I must say this is kind of different talking to someone I have never met but here it goes.Kim and I are dog people and she has no doubt told you about Bailey and Clancy our two dogs that are playing with Teddy in heaven.I believe every thing happens for a reason I don’t know what the reason is but that’s what I believe.Dogs are sent into our lives for a reason and then they leave.But they don’t really leave physically they leave but they leave a footprint on our hearts that we will never forget.I never met Teddy but he looks like a good boy and I know you loved him.When Bailey passed away we were devastated and we had a very hard time dealing with the loss like you I’m sure.Its alright to have the feelings you are feeling that’s what makes you human.But I really hate these words but life goes on and we had a void in ours that we had to fill.So we contacted a breeder and Clancy came into our lives.Oh Wow a puppy Kim and I were on cloud nine we picked him up at the airport and he melted his way into our hearts.He was a smart pup with lots of energy.Kim was in her glory training him and we were one big happy family.This part is hard to talk about even today but Clancy got sick and we tried everything to save him but God had other plans and he took him back to heaven.We were devastated a second time but this time it was different it was a puppy.Why do things like this happen? Why he was so young?The questions go on and on and we had a very hard time dealing with the loss.I really can’t explain why we have this need to love animals but we do and I know you do also.In our case the Dogs are our children.Kathleen in closing Teddy is playing with all the other dogs running and jumping and having a great time.And I wish my arms could go through this screen so I could give you a big hug.And I look forward to meeting you.


  4. Susan Merzetti Mickle says:

    Oh, Kathleen. I can hardly type this through my tears. I’m in shock after reading your beautiful post. I know how much Teddy meant to you, and my heart is broken for your loss and sadness. I wish I could take some of the pain, to lessen yours. I had no idea he was suffering, and, as difficult as it must have been, to have to put him down, you made the only tral, humane decision. Your bond with Teddy will never be broken, Worrior Woman. Go ahead and cry – as you know, it’s a very natural part of life, however hard it must be. I will carry you and Teddy in my thoughts and prayers – always , dear heart. 😘🐶


  5. Paula Sears says:

    Kathleen, I have sent you a message through Messenger as well. I am in Moncton and a good friend of Wendy Ranger. Your tribute to Teddy is so very touching and emotional. We feel your pain and loss. Paula


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